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🍽️ Game Day Lunch – Tackle Your Feelings

🍽️ Game Day Lunch – Tackle Your Feelings


** Chelsworth Game Day Lunch – 17th June

** LAST CHANCE! Special Guest Adam Baldwin from Tackle Your Feelings!

Today is your last chance to get tickets for the Game Day lunch this Saturday 17th June.

This weekend’s lunch will be one not to miss!

We are very lucky to have Tackle Your Feelings Project Manager & Old Ivanhoe’s very own Adam Baldwin speaking.

Tackle Your Feelings is a training program designed for local footy clubs. It strives to improve understanding and awareness of mental health as well as build skills within coaches to have conversations about mental health with their players.

In 2022 our players undertook a workshop run by Tackle Your Feeling’s psychologists. They engaged in activities and discussions which helped provide them essential skills to enable them to start up a conversation regarding mental health.

Last week our coaches and committee members undertook a similar workshop.

If you would like to hear Adam speak about the program and the positive change Tackle Your Feelings is making for clubs throughout Victoria book now!

Don’t miss out!

Get your tickets online: Chelsworth Club Lunch: June 17th – Old Ivanhoe Grammarians Football Club (oigfc.com.au) (https://www.oigfc.com.au/shop/chelsworth-club-lunch-2000s-reunion-june-17th/)
RSVP by emailing neecieb27@gmail.com

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