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🍽️ Ladies Day Lunch

🍽️ Ladies Day Lunch


** Ladies Day Lunch
Our annual ladies day lunch is back again, one of the favourite events on the OIGFC social calendar.

Please join us for this special Chelsworth Club Lunch on Saturday May 18th @ 11.30am for a 12:00pm sit down. $40pp includes 2 courses plus wine.

The seniors and reserves take on De La Salle, while the U19s play St Bedes/Mentone Tigers.

The lunch will be in support of Breast Cancer Network Australia (https://www.bcna.org.au/) .

Given the strong interest in this lunch, bookings are essential to enable us to adequately cater for those attending.
For any questions, please contact Lawrence Tutton on 0407 332 464 by Wednesday May 15th.
Get your tickets… (https://www.oigfc.com.au/shop/chelsworth-club-ladies-day-lunch/)

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