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OIGFC Gala Sponsorship

OIGFC Gala Sponsorship


** OIGFC Gala Sposnosrship
As a valued supporter of the OIGFC family, we’re excited to share that our 60th Birthday Gala Ball is fast approaching on the 20th of April! This year, we’re thrilled to be hosting this special event at the magnificent State Library of Victoria.

However, to make this celebration truly unforgettable, we need your support. We’re reaching out to our community in search of Gala sponsors who can help us make this event accessible to all. By sponsoring our Gala, not only will you contribute to the success of this milestone occasion, but you’ll also gain significant marketing and branding opportunities.

Your sponsorship will directly impact the cost of tickets for all attendees, ensuring that everyone can join in the festivities without financial burden. Every contribution, no matter the size, will make a meaningful difference.

If you or your organization are interested in becoming a Gala sponsor, we invite you to reach out to Sienna Whiteman at siennawhiteman@y7mail.com (mailto:siennawhiteman@y7mail.com) by the end of the week. Your support will play a vital role in making our 60th Birthday Gala Ball a night to remember.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our community and celebrate this momentous occasion with us.

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